Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Gettysburg Address By Abraham Lincoln - 1370 Words

Historical Context America was struggling with everything including the Civil War. The Civil War was a war fought between the North and the South. The North was more about industry and factories while the south was more about farming which depended on the slaves to do their work .The north was against slavery which meant they were against the south, which provoked the American civil war. A significant amount of soldiers died during the battle, all types of races including white and black. Abraham Lincoln was the president during this era and knew he had to put an end to this but didn’t have a solution to solve it. When the United States was founded everything was as simple as it could get but as the years went it started getting more†¦show more content†¦During his speech he had said â€Å"A new birth of freedom†, which he meant the equality of us humans, he used the example of the Civil War to bring his point across. He mentioned how the soldiers have sacrificed their lives for the United States to make sure America’s Democracy stayed strong. Can you imagine being shot and the last thing you are going to see is your best friend trying to take you to safe place and you see him get shot up as well and some soldiers see you guys down but won’t come and help you, imagine how hard that would be. When Lincoln received the invitation to speak at the Gettysburg battlefield he took a trip to Gettysburg to get there the night before on a special train, there is a myth about when he was on his way he was planning to speech to read on a piece of envelope. He didn’t think the speech was going to be memorable but all he wanted was for everyone to remember the fallen soldiers that put their lives into the battle, which they did remember them which is why they created the Gettysburg cemetery. Rhetorical devices During the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln uses Pathos to get his point across and to get on the crowd’s side. He also uses Anaphora to emphasize the equality of the humans, how back then humans were unequal. For example, how African Americans and white people were. They would discriminate them by calling them black, or Negroes, and well

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